All orders ship from China.
To most countries shipping takes about 20-30 days.
Returns are accepted within 14 days of receiving your order if the received items are damaged, wrong item was sent. Refund will be given as replacement or money back.
We declare our shipments as low value by default but in some cases import duties might be applied by your country. Buyer is responsible for any international taxes, duties. Please check your countries import laws before ordering.
If you don't receive your order within 90 days of placing it, we will process a full refund to you, no questions asked, even if you receive it after 90 days. Please contact us!
Please take some pictures that clearly show the defects the product has then please contact us to discuss if you prefer a return for full refund, partial refund or a replacement.
We can only make changes to your order if it didn't ship out yet, and in case you ordered the wrong item or wrong size. We can't make changes to your delivery address or any contact information provided, so if there is an error please let us now that you want to cancel the order, after the order is canceled you can order again with the correct address.